Interactive guide to Pognana Lario: things to see

Plan your visit to Pognana Lario with our tourist map, discover the five hamlets: Canzaga, Rovasco, Quarzano, Riva and Pognana; the church of San Miro and the church of San Rocco, and the route of the second stage of the Strada Regia.

Pognana Lario (Como)

Coordinates:45°53'0"N 9°9'0"E
Altitude:307 m. s.l.m.
Surface:4 km²
Density:198 ab/km²
Postal code:22020
Dialing code:031
Patron Saint:Saint Rocco - 16th August

Pognana Lario Useful Phones - (Dialing code Italy: +39)

Pognana Lario City HallVia Bernasconi 2 - tel. 031 377888
Proloco Pognana LarioTel. 031 378319
Carabinieri Pognana LarioVia Matteotti 74 - tel. 031 377777
Pharmacy Tagliavini - NessoVia Borgonuovo 6 - tel. 031 910118
Parish church Pognana LarioVia Canzaga 27 - tel. 031 377738
Post office Pognana LarioVia Bernasconi 2 - tel. 031 377700

Fairs and festivals Pognana Lario

Festival of the dumplings16th August
Festival of CakesEaster
Festival of AlborelleJune



Nesso has many tourist attractions, we recommend the Ravine Cascade, visible from Piazza Castello and from the Medieval Civera bridge on the shore of Lake Como, reachable from the villages of Riva and Coatesa.


Lake Como Cuisine

Typical Lake Como cuisine

Dried Shad (Agone), called Missoltini or Missultin, were at one time a precious food for inhabitants of Lake Como, the particular processing allowed them to be conserved for more than a year, excellent traditional Lake Como cuisine.

Lario Cuisine

Faggeto Lario

Faggeto Lario

The Faggeto Lario territory is an excellent departure point for excursions on Bolettone, Pizzo dell'Asino and Palanzone mountains, to visit near the peak of Mount Palanzone the Cave Gugliemo, a cave of karst origin.

Faggeto Lario